By co-education we mean the participation of students of both the sexes in the learning process. Though co-education is common in foreign countries, it is not so in India. Segregation of the sexes has been in practise in India from very early times. Women were not entertained in certain fields. Certain misconceptions, prejudices and superstitions were against co-education. However, at present co-education is imparted in some educational institutions at the school and college levels.
Co-education has its own advantage in colleges. Since the college students have matured minds co-education will not in any way interfere with their learning efforts. They know their responsibilities. To them the opposite sex is not any more just an object of attraction. On the other hand it will provide them with better opportunities to understand life. Further, the presence of other sex always acts as an incentive. It creates in the students a healthy rivalry to surpass the other. We find women in almost all spheres. Co-education will go a long way to help the weaker sex gain self confidence.
India is a developing country with limited resources. So it cannot afford to have separate college and universities for men and women. As for the disadvantages, opposite sexes always have mutual attraction. The students are passing through a crucial period of their life. They are likely to be sexually attacted. It may affect their learning efforts. There may be one or two elements which would engage in eve teasing, and some acts of false bravado which they see in films. But anti-social and irresposible elements are present everywhere. Untoward incidents in co-educational institutions could be avoided with better administration.
if everyone is going to support coeducation than GD is going to end easily ...try to find some disadvantages of coeducation ... with strong point you'll get notified by the judges....
Co-education contributes not only to society but also to whole nation. It leads to development. It gives opporunity to both genders to interact with each other. It develops the sense of respect,understanding,humanity and indiscrimation to each other. Many social illegal activities like rapes, domestic voilence and eve teasing can be stopped.
In my point of view co-education for students was so important,because in future girls have to face different difficult situations,and also they have to interact with many people,in that cases they can't perform well when...if they studied in case of co-education....because when studying together with boys/girls there is a chance to learn many things..and also they can know how to survive in this modern world
So i always support to co-education.
According to me co-education is the most important to the present students especially in schools,by having co education few students will be feared that they may loose their respect if they dont answer to perticular question.if there is such kind of education they will improve the education in all aspects..
In olden days there was no education for girl child. Rapidly our government has took some measures to improve the education system for girls. And we are seeing a lots of coeducational institute. Co-education helps a lot to reduce gender discrimination among people. And due to this co-education the skills among the students are improved. Girls can remove their shyness and can compete with boys. Boys will now how to behave with girls. And they can help each other in different project work etc... Co-education will reduce the harassment towards girls.
Co-education is very important in college life. The boy and girls improve the knowledge the most usefully job purpose. The some girls study in school age no co-education, very useful in the co-education some girls and boys not taking each other but in co-educations in taking to every one improve the skills. In what way girls behave with boys they can know. Boys and girls helps each other in study purpose , project works, any reference for jobs so many useful things in co-education.
In my opinion co-education is education where person is able to showcase his/her talents in front of oppsite sex without any fear. He/she is able to traine their mind for any obstcles. They understand each other and have a fearless life.
According to me co-education is good because it will be usefull in the jobs or any other field wherever we go. In co-ed we will understand how to interact with eachother n moreover they can improve their ideas , presentations , knowledge etc.But there are some problems also in the co-education. When the students overcome such type of problems then it will be good for their future.
It gives entertainment during the time of functions in the colleges.It gives good competion to eachother. Finally it helps us to behave in the society.
Acorrding to me co-education have lots of advantage than disadvantage. according to my point of view it is very good to taught both sex in same place. it would always give a lots of oppertunity to both sex to work together due to which they develope respect to both ,a boy easily under stand the value of girl,and would be very helpfull to boys to promate education towards girl in thier surrounding ,faimily also.co-education always give so much confidence to girls to compete with boys in all aspect at every field like marks ,debate,sport and they also exchenge thier knwoladge to each other.
co-education is only a option in rural area for schooling of both sex because india is a developing counrty and our goverment cant afforde seprate school. if boys nd girls work together ,they can easily undertand the value of each other and the events like rape ,molestetion reduced.but inspite of this coeducation have few disadvantage also like our new generation are very vicarious .they are so influenced by movies and try to this feeling in thier life in very teen age which is very crucial for thier career but they have so much impact of social site . due to this thier career are ruining but such cases are easily outwieght by good education,organization and administration. so we can say co-education is always have lots of merit in comparision to few obsolete demerit.
According to my point coeducation is good because it helps theboys and girls for study without any discrimination and it devloped the competion and understood each other. It helps to chose a life partner so remove family problem
Indeed co-education is important not only for an individual but even for each and every nation. The main advantage of this is that it increases the respect for opposite body. This can over come the problem of female rapes. So its so important for girls safety and even for boys safety too.
Co-education is the most important for both Girls and boys. Some rural areas, boys only get education, they get their rights but in our constitution gives us right to education for both. In rural areas, some people thinks that the girls are not able for education. They only for a household works on houses. Some parents thought that and against the coeducation. They thoughts that if girls are going to school so who did their house work. They thinks that the girls are only for that work. They do not have a right to get a education. In my opinion girls have right to get a education. If they didn't get then how to live in world how to face a problem how to became a self dependent. So in my opinion Girls have also right to get education for their future. And also knowledge.
In my view co education is good because each and every individual they may be a girl or a boy can improve their knowledge with respective to the other students. It gives a minimum idea to the students how to behave in accordance to the situation.There are some problems due to the co education. But these can be avoided only if all the students are aware of their responsibilities and how to deliver respect towards the opposite sex.
I want to say that co-education is very important for school life. In India co-education is in 91% school or colleges. In some fields girls will not at all but in this way girls will also participate in boys activities
According to my point of view co-education is very good education because both boys and girls ,whatever works assigned to them they try to perform well in front of the opposite sex.
Education of boys and girls in the same school or college is called co-education. Here boys and girls are taught together without any discrimination. In small villages where there is only one school or college co-education is the only choice. But some schools or colleges in cities offer co-education.
Co-education has many advantages. First of all co-education is economical. We need not have separate schools for boys and girls. Secondly boys and girls develop good understanding of each other. Little by little the girls overcome their shyness. They come forward to compete with boys in their studies, games, debates and other contests.
Co-education develops a halthy competition among boys and girls. Boys will not like to do badly before girls and vice versa. A healthy competition sets in and it brings out the best in each and every student. It has been found that boys like to behave decently before girls. So boys and girls develop good manners.
But some people feel that co-education is against our tradition. They say that the friendship at classroom may lead to unwanted compplications. Again, all boys may not of good nature. Some may tease the girls and cause disciplinary problems. But such instances are few and far betwen. Since the merits of co-education outweigh the demerits we must encourage co-education in schools and colleges.
Education of boys and girls in the same school or college is called co-education. Here boys and girls are taught together without any discrimination. In small villages where there is only one school or college co-education is the only choice. But some schools or colleges in cities offer co-education.
Co-education has many advantages. First of all co-education is economical. We need not have separate schools for boys and girls. Secondly boys and girls develop good understanding of each other. Little by little the girls overcome their shyness. They come forward to compete with boys in their studies, games, debates and other contests.
Co-education develops a halthy competition among boys and girls. Boys will not like to do badly before girls and vice versa. A healthy competition sets in and it brings out the best in each and every student. It has been found that boys like to behave decently before girls. So boys and girls develop good manners.
But some people feel that co-education is against our tradition. They say that the friendship at classroom may lead to unwanted compplications. Again, all boys may not of good nature. Some may tease the girls and cause disciplinary problems. But such instances are few and far betwen. Since the merits of co-education outweigh the demerits we must encourage co-education in schools and colleges.