The advent of computers in India has catapulted the nation into the forefront of the Information Technology (IT) landscape. Rapid advancements in software development and IT have catalyzed progress across sectors such as defence, space research, telecommunications, and beyond.
IT exerts a profound influence on the global economy in the contemporary era. Following the epochal Industrial Revolution of Europe, the IT revolution has swept across the globe, leaving an indelible mark. Its applications span macroeconomic planning, public administration decision-making, education, healthcare, energy conservation, environmental management, and more.
Commerce and industry have undergone substantial IT-enabled transformations, with extensive adoption of office automation systems and IT-enabled processes. From product design and inventory management to distribution systems, industrial applications of IT abound. Similarly, in commerce, e-banking, credit cards, and global stock exchanges leverage IT for seamless operations and expert management.
The pervasive reach of IT extends to nearly every facet of human endeavor. Acknowledged as the cornerstone of the 21st century alongside life sciences, IT serves as a springboard for India's foray into biotechnology.
The Internet has emerged as the primary medium of communication worldwide. Initiatives like Vidya Vahini and Gyan Vahini, spearheaded by the Department of Information Technology, aim to provide connectivity to schools across the nation. High-performance computing, propelled by rigorous engineering and scientific applications, fuels new frontiers of innovation.
E-governance harnesses IT and communication technologies to enhance government efficiency, accessibility, and transparency. Initiatives encompass software application development, e-governance infrastructure creation, national ID programs, citizen databases, and digital educational content.
However, the journey toward widespread IT adoption in India presents formidable challenges. The costs associated with connectivity hardware provision, analog-to-digital line conversion, and extensive manpower training are significant. It is not merely the financial investment but also the collective willingness to embrace IT that will shape its future trajectory in India.
In conclusion, India's ascent in the realm of IT underscores its transformative potential across sectors and underscores the imperative of embracing technological innovation for sustained progress and prosperity.
I'll go with it as boon to india, it makes a remarkable change in our country. Development in every field it plays an significant role. It is no doubt that IT will contribute to the future years.
I think IT is a very big reason for economic growth of our country....
IT is used in almost every field either it is a bank or school,either it is a small organization or a multinational brand..it provide alots of opportunity for fresher to builder their carrier also.
According to me, Technology does not stop in any phase of life it goes on and on. We are in the world of advancement where we are free to do any work within few seconds. From paying the bills to reserving the seats, from medical field to agriculture field, education to defense everywhere a network is working that connect us with each other with the help of this powerful tool. In this era we cannot imagine our life without the technology. Yes it is rightly said in present time we can not make our life possible without the use of such wonderful boon. By using the technology the women who are not able to go out of the home can get education in easy way.The e-classes are available to guide you about anything.
By focusing all these facts Lastly I would like to conclude my views by saying that technology is evergreen and plays an eminent part in our life.
There is no question about the importance of IT services for people or whole as a country. Now days everything, from banking to military operation all requires IT. It makes everything easier. Indian IT industry is a gaint. We export our IT services, last year we export our IT service worth of arround 45 billion dollar. The whole world knows about our country's expertise in IT field. Last year H1B visa upper limit just filled within 7 days. 65000 visa issued in just 7 days. And 80 percent of those personel are IT professional, Just imagine even USA requires our people to do there task. In my conclusion I must say that India have great organisations such as TCS, WIPRO etc which moulding our generation to perfect IT personal and making us proud as a INDIAN
Nowadays everything is based on internet. However everyone interested work with gadget. It sector have a lot of employability. It provides lot of applications for freely through internet for learning, speaking, reserching apps. Lot of businesss oriented apps finace, inventory, etc. Everyone to adopt the It technology. We want to grow up we need to learn It technology.
In my point of view IT is one of the most important invention for the world. Now a days whole world is surrounded by the IT applications. All the work or tasks are done by use of the information technology. It is very time consuming thing which improve our countries economical growth. It has few disadvantages that human becoming lazy and getting health problems.
IT is one of the important part of our daily life.If we look at our daily activity from morning to night we go through number of application.We can pay Electricity bills, Telephone bills, Online Ticket booking , Recharges on Mobile phones , etc. from any where at any time.
Now days all the sectors uses the computers daily so IT plays important role to make our life more faster and efficient.
My point of view IT sector very bright future for india because india is a developing country day by day growth in sector and huge rate of jobs are available and good for freashers information tech. At present every industries, hospital, education system and defense. Today exam result are declear online this is benificial for student. IT sectore develope our skill by applications.
IT place an important role in today's world. Start from waking up from bed till go to the bed we using some softwares and some new technology. For example consider if we want to pay electrical bill means we will go to the electrical office and we stood stand in a long queue and after 2-3 hours we will pay the bill.it leads to waste of time. Because of information tech we consuming more time and every work has been over soon. This keeps us to feel happy and streeslees.
Ofcouse because of IT human being became lazy. You seen that every thing has both adv and disadv.
As everything has two aspects .. one may be good or other may be bad. IT is a vast area which is continuously going on and going on in beneficial terms for development of any country. It is being proved boon for any of the country. as internet is result of IT sector, and through out the world is dependent on internet for any of the work. It can't be wrong to say that now a days we can live without food or water a day but now we can't live without the application of IT. Almost all the related this either it may be related to banking, financing, medical. schooling. development country development and many more things. So here we can say this this IT has become a very important of our daily life. It also provide lot of opportunity for the job options.
But it has also other face of it that it is proving itself as a boon for human being life bur it can be harmful also., today a 5 year old child can operate a IT gadget easily, it is good but we are just forgetting our rules and regulations. that are essential part of our life. we are mostly dependent on these gadgets and not to want to do any work ourselves,this can give the result of laziness and which can create a lot of disease. which may be a wrong path of this road..people have been addicted these all these things they don\'t have time to live with their family now due to this competing world which has been built due to the IT only.environment has been changed and tradition has been changed.we are developing but forgetting our tradition also with the IT.there may be one example also that we are doing development against nature but nature can Only bear to its capability and these are the examples of natural calamities in UTTRAKHAND and JAMMU-KASHMIR. as people try to overburden to. natural but it is not possible.
So it should be in a limiting and beneficial manner not in that which can be horrible for only ourselves..
Now it is our responsibility to opt these technology very well without forgetting our values and traditions..
it sector is very important to our country because an increase the economic level of our country, other department's are should be depends upon it sector. For an example banking, hospitals, military and so on.. One important thing is this sector provide many job offers for youths.
According to my point of view IT help to get information or any other thing directly from house. As technology is growing more it reduces work for human being and lazhiness has been increased due to this the people are getting affected by disease in the earlier stage itself .
IT has played vital role in Indian Economy. It is also important to citizens. Technology is always around the person. The person can complete their work from home through IT. They can pay the bill, get information of entire, easily to colleagues. IT is also important in military,banking,e-commerce. For Eg. During election time Narendra Modi Ji used 3D technology to telecast hype to Country.
As we know our country india is a developing country,just basis on the IT sector... Because in today\'s life, without IT, nothing is possible... We totally dependent on the IT TECHNOLOGY. We can say IT just become a heartbeat of the devlopment. In every sector, IT is used in millitary, e-banking,commerce areas and the hospatility... It become a media to communicate to others countries.
Computers are the basic need of people atpresent..it play a vital role in developing of the country.it is the good source for the economic as well as the government sectors..each field just described by IT sector today... without going school, today students can be connected via this technology online..this is the basic need of india\'s youth...
Information technology has played a wider role in every sphere of life. It is increasing day by day and with the information technology we have achieved a lot. It is a boon to lay men and education alike. Computer is s base for informaton technology. Though geographically we are apart but with computer we are connected together. It has an enormous influence on our countries economy. It is one of the powerful sector.
As my point of view IT Sector is the GOD of present situation of market because now days without IT sector I think cannot do any type of works. Computer is the base of IT sector. IT sector is helpful developing world very well As point of economically as well technologically. Every field like as banking, military political, education. So on are used very much of IT field also. So as of my point of view every day without it cannt complete perfectly.
IT-sector is playing a vital role in devoloping country’s economy and now a days every thing is possible because of IT with the help of IT every nation is becoming strong enough in the fields of technology every sector is taking the help of IT sector for to the work easily banking, military, hospitality every sector is taking the help of IT sector.
IT is the One of the powerful sector that is emerged in previous years .Revolution in IT Reflected a great change in Market day to day strategy and IT make every work very easy and we can do any type of work by sitting in home.
IT plays a great part in economic growth of any country as it is penetrating itself in every sector such as govt sector ,business sector,military sector and even every small product need IT as Every Sector need it sector for their Development and Growth.
Computer is the heart of it sector, and IT sector is one of the best economical source for our country. IT sector not only provide a base for financial sector, it also improved the indians technically in almost every aspects of the business field. IT has an emerging growth in the field of technology in all over the world. Now a days we have combined IT with business field and using it in banking sectors and in government sectors also.
IT field is continousely varying as usr requirments are changing every day, they always expects something new which is not yet available thus leading to development of a new product or a new technology. Now a days without IT we cannot develop not even a single product. IT sector has made us both economically and technically sound thus improves our way of living as well as cost of living,and improves our mental ability
Information Technology, in many interconnected form is transforming news gathering and transmission in the premier news agency of the country. Thus Information Technology and computers find applications in almost all sectors of our life including business and social sectors and have played a key role in economic progress of the country.
Importance of It in almost every walk of life has been clearly demonstrated and the usage of computers is an effective indicator of the diffusion IT in various sectors of economy. The computer industry has shown an impressive growth during the last 5 years of 8th plan.