The newspaper is one of the modern mediums for conveyance of news. Newspapers help us a great deal. They carry news of the different parts of the world bringing the world into close relationship.
Newspapers give us local as well as foreign news. They deal with politics, religions, economics and public health. Some of them are monthlies, fortnightlies, weeklies and dailies. The Indian Express, The Hidu, The Mail etc. are some of our populr dailies. All these contain a lot of advertisements, which cater to the needs of almost all sections of people.
We learn a lot from the newspapers. They educate the public on all matters of common interest. They publish letters from the public also. They serve as a link betwen the government and the public. The government explains its policies through newspapers. The newspapers appreciate the good policies. They also criticise the governemtn if it goes wrong. They publish advertisements and thus help the merchants and customers. The unemployed young men make a search in the advertising columns for vacancies. Young people go through matrimonial, wanted, educational and other columns according to their needs and interests. Speeches of our leaders are published and we read them.
But some newspapers abuse their freedom. They publish unworthy and sensational material. College students and semi-educated people are being misled by them. They are cried down as "the yellow press". They breed lawlessness, scant respect to elders. Such press must be discouraged by elders and educated. Elders must guide the youngsters in selecting the right type of newspapers. The habit of reading newspaper is a 'must' for all.
Newspaper is a real knowledge-maker. It circumfuses various news to the world. The best way for a person to acquire a good english speaking skills, alongwith a profound vocabulary knowledge is reffering english newspaper. Those who are interested in travelling around the world can be made easier of no cost,by buying english newspapaers.
Newspaper which used to keep world information in our hand. From the headline thecontent of the information can be understood. It improves our communication skill and confident.
News paper is one of the most crucial part our life ‘there get to day to day update news so some people mind to set everyday has reading to details get a knowledge’, but some people also follow day to day headlines... those people day to day earn knowledge has been create on mind not only having knowledge but also knows headlines and some those of people also knew just for headlines.
The news paper is a tool of communication. It is an unfailing friend of an educated man. The newspaper is an integral part in life of an educated man. Early in the morning it brings news to his door steps. It holds the mirror to what is happening in the world. By reading through the columns, one gets national as well as international news. It is an indispensable to a man in his daily life.
Today there are a number of newspapers and periodicals. The newspaper gives us news and offers views as well. The newspaper moulds public opinion. The editorials in these newspapers kindle our thought. The happenings in different parts of the world are communicated and made known throughout the world. A good newspaper exposes the parasites of society. It is the watch dog of public. The colun on Letters to the editor voice the public grievances.
Now a days, we find that all news papers are not highly Principled. Some newspapers add sensation and published exaggerated news items to promote their sales. Some newspapers give importance to create panic among people by publishing news which are not socially important. We mus be very cautious in selecting the news paper to read. Though freedom of the press is a must in the democratic setup, such freedom should not be misused. If people are judicious and wise, the press will function as an effective tool in mobilising public opinion on healthy lines.
Newspaper gives me a lot of knowledge and able to be a perfect citizen. News paper gives news from every field like education, spots, etc. and some exam asking question from current affair, so news paper help us in exam and it is also like mirror by which we can earn news of world, when we learn news paper daily we know news of world and also ability comes that what should be happen and most important thing is that by news paper we improve our communication skill so it is necessary for all.
The newspaper is one of the powerful media in this world. Besides being a tool of communication, it is the friend of both the educated and uneducated. Early in the morning it brings news to his doorsteps. It holds the mirror to what is happening in the world. By browsing through the columns one gets national as well as international news. So it has become as indispendable as one’s bed coffee.
Today there is a sizable increase in the number of newspapers and periodicals. In addition to giving us news, the news papers publish our views as well. The newspapers shape public opinion. The editorial columns awaken our thought. What happens in America is spoken of in a hamlet in India. A good newspaper exposes the people who spoil the society.
In a democracy the newspaper serves as a watch dog of the public, we voice our public concern through the columns of Letters to the Editor. The articles published in the papers to learn more about the advancement of Science, Technology and the latest trends all over the world. They help us to improve our vocabulary, linguistic skills and the like.
But not all newspapers are high principled. Some add colour and sensation to a common place event. Some pander to animal pleasures. So we must be cautions of such newspapers. Freedom of the press forms the life blood of democracy. But this freedom if ill-used will turn our democracy into mobocracy. Rightly it has been said that the press is the Fourth estate in a democracy. It is a powerful weapon for the opposition parties, the misdeeds of the Government and of the people high up in the social ladder are exposed, criticized and condemned. It helps to steer the ship of democracy on the proper path and social and political culprits, whatever be their power or status, are brought to book and made resposible to the citizen who are the real masters in a democratic country.
The newspapers keeps us advanced and updated by giving us knowledge about what happens around us. It encourage us to think new things. But in newspapers some advertisements misguide peoples. Some peoples or companies missuses the newspapers for earning money by some worried like unemployed persons, students who want to study abroad, and people with many other problems like hair fall, more weight, etc etc.. are misguided by that type of companies. news paper also helps us to get alert from harmful things happening around. Some columns gives messages to particular field of peoples like politicians, municipal corporate etc. and of course other uses of newspaper like : soaking wet currency note, packing m/t, cleaning, etc etc...
News paper is most effective way to learn vocabulary. It can build the stock of word.Through news paper we can get many kind of information as our requirements.we can see and read at a glance.
Now a days news papers plays a vital role in our life, without reading news paper one cant get job in his/her desired field. It is mandatory in all our life. It conveys message like anything, it conveys nationally and internationally, by this we are able to know all the information which is happening around us as well as world. By reading newspaper we can improve our knowledge, we can update ourselves day to day. It facilitates us to grab so many things.
Newspaper not only giving the news but also it improves the reading habit which get reduce considerbly. Through this youngster get good knowledge and also it helps to think out and get relax with their comics.