It was in the last month that an accident took place on one of our roads. We were taking some coffee in a hotel. Then we saw four gentlemen on two motor-bikes, flying at great speed. We spoke of their speed and feared an accident. There was an accident just a few minutes after.
Soon, we heard a loud noise and we rushed to the spot. There was a large crowed. Bloody streaks were on the dust. One man explained to us how it happened. There was a sign board in the middle of the road with a turning. So htese cyclists had to take the right side of the road. Just then, there was an oncoming bus. There were some sand heaps near the turning. The wheels of the bikes slipped, turned round and dashed against the bus. The driver applied the brake suddenly and the bus stopped with a shake. Fearing the sudden turn of the accident, the following bike dashed against the same bus. Two men were thrown off. Others were severely injured.
The passengers got down from the bus. The injured persons were taken into the bus. The bus rushed to the hospital which was near-by. Three of them suffered fractures in the arms and legs. One had a cut on his forehead. Blood was streaming out. Soon, two had a cut on his forehead. Blood was streaming out. Soon, two policemen came to the spot and took charge of the bikes. If the cyclist and gone at normal speed, the accident would not have taken place. It is reckless driving that caused accidents.